I just got done writing about two hours of BS that sounded like a politician…*delete*
Now, I ask myself as I write this, “what is at the core of my political beliefs?”.
Answer. “Liberty.”
Things controlled by the government: The air we breath. Where we walk. What we walk on. What we sleep on. Time. What we poop in. What we drink. Who we love. Who we have sex with. What kind of pet we can have. What can and can’t save our lives. Where we travel. When we travel. And pretty much everything else. I looked up “Liberty”. This isn’t it.
I have “We The People” Tattoo’d across my back. Not because I want to impress you and get elected governor. But because I believe in it so strongly that I wanted it to be a part of me. The Constitution guarantees protection of our inalienable rights including freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press, blah blah blah. Yes, these are VERY important. I “blah blah” them because we all know these. In fact, we might know up to the Fifth Amendment only thanks to Law and Order…”I plea the Fifth!!”.
The Bill of Rights. Ten Amendments created to protect our liberty. Each as important to our liberty as the next only in different ways. If one is forgotten or neglected, we lose some of our liberty.
In this day and age, the single most important Amendment is not the First or the Second. It’s the Tenth. Yep, there really is a Tenth Amendment. Most people have no idea what it says and if they know what it says, they have no idea what it means. This is by design. The federal government and those in power don’t want you to know.
The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America -
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
Let me break it down in simple terms for you. It means, the federal government has no damn right to involve itself in every stinking aspect of our lives. In fact, this is the primary reason our country is in such terrible shape today. No, it’s not all GWB’s fault. Although, he certainly didn’t help things. Because the federal government has reached sooooo far and become soooo large, we’re now basically screwed as a nation.
But, there’s still hope. Because power was given to the federal government by states with inalienable sovereign rights, the states can also take away those powers. Oregon is Sovereign and without interference of the federal government, Oregon can prosper. In fact, this is true for each and every state. Think about it, the states have the ultimate power in this country. Not the President, not the federal government.
I’m sure this all sounds crazy. After all, you’ve been conditioned your whole life to think the opposite. Try to look at it this way. If you send $1 to the federal government, what happens to it? It comes out of your pay before you see it, gets routed through some bureaucracies in the federal government, a bunch of federal employees get paid for processing paperwork, our Oregon Congressmen head to DC to fight to have it put in some piece of legislation as pork, it may or may not pass. If it does, it comes back to Oregon as a fraction of that dollar. Maybe say…$.70. So…You just invested $1 and got a $.70 return! Not only that, but it also came back with a bunch of jacked up federal rules that might not even have anything to do with the best interest of Oregonians! Woooohoooo!!! That really sucks butt for those of you who don’t get it!
Now, why did we do that? I really have no idea other than we’ve been conditioned to believe that’s the way things have to be done. Well, according to the Constitution, thats not only the way things are NOT suppose to be done, its ILLEGAL!!
Oregonians can spend that $1.00 much more efficiently here, in our own state. Imagine what we could do with our schools if we had the extra money and no federal regulations that came from the honorable Senator of Alabama? This’s why the Founders gave us the wonderful gift of guaranteed State Sovereignty. It’s our right, just like Freedom of Speech, and JUST as important.
Lets take it back. Please.
I’m sure I have some people’s panties in a bunch at this point. No, I’m not saying I’m for absolutely no government regulation. I’ll be very clear here.
I’m for:
State Sovereignty
No federal government control of anything inside the state of Oregon that is not specifically permitted by the Constitution
State regulation of every single thing the people of Oregon deem necessary to be regulated, even if I don’t personally agree with it.
Honesty, the law, efficiency, no waste, the best state we can have
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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I couldn't agree with you more. Which is why I feel you would better represent me and our fellow Oregonians in Congress as opposed to being our Governor.
ReplyDeleteIf only the rest of our country would wake up and realize they've been brainwashed through government courses in public school and take the power back to the states and back to the people.
Also, I feel the federal individual income tax should be abolished. There should only be individual state and local taxes. Each state's tax income would then be taxed federally (at a very small percentage) as a whole to pay for national programs, like our parks. The feds hands should not be in an individual's pockets.
Thanks so much for the comment. I truly believe that now, during what we 're seeing in our federal government, the power doesn't rest in our federal representatives.
ReplyDeleteThe power rests within our state Governors. I don't think people realize this yet, but they will someday. Think about it. The states gave the federal government their power over 200 years ago. The states can take it back.
What can the federal government do if Oregon says "no, we're not going to listen to you anymore. We're not going to obey you anymore." Are they going to arrest every Oregonian? Are they going to send the military to force Oregonians to obey federal law which is unconstitutional? No way in hell.
The states have ultimate power. Not the President, and not the federal government. If Oregon doesn't want to participate in the Health Care plan, we don't have to participate. There's no need for a multi-million dollar lawsuit in a federal court, against the federal government. We simply won't recognize the federal governments authority over us, a sovereign state. What is the fed going to do? Cut off federal funds to Oregon?
What exactly are FEDERAL FUNDS? Federal funds is money OREGONIANS send to the federal government!!! So the fed wants to threaten to cut US off from our own money?!! I'M SORRY BUT I HAVE TO LAUGH AT THAT!! HAHAHA!!! Go ahead President Obama...cut us off. Guess what? We cut you off!!!
Oh? So you (my fellow Oregonian skeptic) say "well, you can't do that". Oh "yes we can" (to steal a slogan from President Obama). Remember, we're the boss. We make the rules. We make the laws. We tell the government what we can and can't do. As much as they want us to believe, it's not the other way around. So, screw you, we can do whatever we want. If we don't want to pay the federal government for things the Constitution doesn't mandate, we're not going to pay.
So federal government, don't try to hold "we'll cut off federal funding" over Oregon's head on my watch. I'm a hard ass and as Governor I'll stick up for Oregonians and I won't take shit from you or anyone else. I won't be pushed around or bullied by you or anyone else. The states have the power play and don't you forget it. We gave you your position and power. We can take it away so you better start reining yourself in.
Darren - have to acknowledge first that I am so frustrated with the same old Democrat and Republican politics that it seems that voting is an exercise in futility. It seems a vote for one is like a vote for another, though I'm coming to the realization that a vote doesn't mean anything unless I participate more.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your background and positions. I certainly believe that you have what it takes to lead the state. I hope that you are prepared to answer questions from us that are a bit skeptical about the state having the fortitude to stay away from the federal plate. I don't have the numbers but what is the ratio of fed dollars coming into the state compared to tax dollars going to the fed? The TARP, ARRA, medicare/medicaid, national guard and other subsidized funds that come into the state have some economic influence, especially given the current economic climate. I guess my question is, how do we get off the fed milk bottle if we know that the feds will withhold funding?
Hi Mike,
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple documents I dug up on this subject.
“Federal Tax Burdens and Expenditures by State” from 2004 http://www.taxfoundation.org/files/sr139.pdf
“Per Capita Tax Burden and Return of Federal Tax Dollar” from 2005 http://www.nemw.org/images/taxburd.pdf
In a nutshell, Oregon gets back about 95% of what it pays to the fed. I don’t trust this number. Not with a federal budget as huge as ours is. At any rate, our federal government is wasting Oregonians money at hyper-speed on all kinds of unconstitutional programs.
These reports are pre TARP and the rest of the fed “funny money”. I’m guessing if we saw the same report for 2009 we’d see Oregon (and every other state) in the positive. Oh how warm and fuzzy. Not really, for those who realize that being hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt isn’t worth the warm fuzzy feeling (which won’t last forever).
Oregon doesn’t need to be a part of the federal mess. We’re a sovereign state. To answer your question…
We need to understand that our government and the elite have conditioned us to think only under certain constraints that they control. Yes, I’m sure this sounds crazy, but hang in there and keep an open mind (not directed at you in particular Mike). We need to start thinking like Americans.
We control the government. The government doesn’t control us. If We The People want to do something, we can do it. The government can’t tell us “no” because we’re the boss. If the law tells us we can’t do something, we change the law, because we can. We can do ANYTHING we want. If we don’t want freedom of speech, we amend the Constitution and get rid of it (or the President can sign an executive order, or the Supreme Court can create case law, or the Congress can make federal law under the Commerce Clause *my how far we have strayed*). Anyway, I’m sure you get the point. We’re in charge, we just need to grow some balls and take back control.
I don’t claim to be super smart. I do claim to be able to think for myself, outside of the constraints the elites try to keep me in. And I’m now more than pissed off and ready to stand up for Oregon and my fellow Oregonians. So, to get us off the fed milk bottle, as Governor I’ll gather a group of the smartest people I can find, people who like me are not influenced by money or special interests, and we’ll find the best way to get that federal monkey off our back.
My initial thought is to:
1. claim our sovereignty
2. tell the fed that we no longer will participate in federal programs that are not specifically granted by the Constitution and recognized by Oregon.
3. Tell the fed that Oregonians and Oregon businesses will take federal tax deductions to offset the amount of services we will no longer be receiving from the federal government. Basically, Oregonians and Oregon businesses will only pay for federal services the Constitution allows for.
Then instead of sending the money to the fed, we keep the money in Oregon and take care of our own. We make our own rules instead of having the Honorable Senator from Florida tell us what to do with our water. We run our own schools. We regulate our own doctors and keep the cost of medical care low and have the absolute best medical care in the world. We have the lowest cost prescription drugs. Our businesses are no longer regulated to death. And so on. Just like the Founding Fathers envisioned it.
Yeah Mike, I’m a little long winded sometimes. Sorry about that. I hope that answers your question. If not, please let me know.
ReplyDeleteNot long winded at all. Definitely a radical approach in the best sense, thanks for helping me think outside the box. I certainly hope that your candidacy gets the exposure it deserves. You have my vote, and I'm going to do my best to let others know of your candidacy.