Monday, April 12, 2010

Questions? Comments?

Please post your questions and comments here.


  1. How do you feel about Clark Colvin's idea of introducing a sales tax?

    Also, what is your position on the legalization of marijuana as a potential "cash crop" when taxed and regulated like alcohol? (which could also drop crime rates)

  2. I love these questions. I'm going to start new blog posts to answer them...see post "Oregon's Taxes"

    I'll also address the marijuana question in a new blog post very soon!!

    Thanks for the questions!!

  3. How do you feel about state employees having to take furlough days and having their pay increases frozen?

  4. My wife lost her job in Feb 2010, fortunately she found another job about a month later but took a 40% pay cut. I had to lay off my last employee in November 2009 and am now cleaning carpets myself, scraping to keep my company from going under, while he is still unemployed. I don't have enough fingers and toes to keep track of my personal friends and family who have lost their jobs over the past couple of years and still are without jobs. I have a friend who is a teacher who in spite of Measure 66 and 67 had to sit down on his own time and figure out how he could personally cut 10% of his share of the budget so they could avoid cutting teacher jobs in his district.

    The company my wife went to work for, its a private sector company. They had to cut everyones salary by 5% so they wouldn't have to fire people. The employees all agreed to this. I've seen people like my mom and brother not get pay increases because the economy stinks and there's no money. Companies are barely surviving. These people are thankful to have a job.

    So how do I feel about state employees having to take furlough days and having their pay increases frozen?

    1. I think state employees should be damn thankful they have a job and if I'm elected Governor and I hear a state employee bitch about having to sacrifice a little while so many other of their fellow Oregonians are suffering, barely able to survive, I'll fire that employee on the spot and give their job to someone who appreciates what has been so graciously given to them by every other hard working citizen of Oregon.

    2. "their pay increases" are not "theirs". The pay increases belong to the people of Oregon and will be given out when they can. They are not automatic, just as raises in the private sector are not automatic. Just because a person works for the government doesn't make them more entitled than the people that employ them.

    Government employees, this may sound harsh and you may be inclined not to like me, but let me tell you, you will LOVE me.

    Thank you very much for this question :)

  5. Darren, you have my vote, GUARANTEED! ! My only concern is that it's going to get awfully crowded here, everybody's going to want to live here! ;-)

  6. Hey Mr. Karr,

    I realize you are not a believer in climate change, granted there are many people who would agree with you, and many who would not.

    Please watch this video? It's not a matter if it real or not, but rather risk management.

    Now, even if you don't agree with climate change, or that there is even a risk of it happening, do you not still think it is wise to live sustainably?

    By sustainably I mean, more local, organic foods, use less oil (foreign or domestic, just look at the massive oil spill in the gulf!), and use more green practices?

    Using green energy does tend to cost more. In the short run. But after five years of almost any type of green energy it pays for itself, over, and over again.

    So I suppose my question is:
    How do you plan to make Oregon more sustainable and green?

    Also, what do you think about banning BPA in baby bottles? Or other toxic chemicals?

  7. The environment is actually one of my top priorities, even though I don't buy into the "global warming" or "climate change" hysteria. I have a question for you...What has Oregon's leadership done over the past several years that Al Gore has been preaching this? Answer: NOTHING! They've done a lot of gum flapping but that's about it. I think they have a 15 year plan, something like "25 by 25". Well that's not good enough for Oregon.

    Like I said, I don't believe in what they're preaching mostly because they stand to make a crap ton of money off of it. They already have. However, I do believe in efficiency very strongly. I always have. We are VERY inefficient and we can do better NOW. Enough flapping our gums, lets get to it. I have a plan to enact some very simple steps to make things better. I'll be starting a blog on this subject very soon. I think you'll like it. Stay tuned!!

    So, I watched the guy's video after I wrote the above. Let me poke a hole in his argument and I hope you respond. Where his mistake is, he assumes we need to spend a crap load of money to stop global climate change. I don't buy into that concept. I think We The People can stop the problem without causing a depression that makes the 30's look like childs play (or whatever he compared it to).

    Think outside the building the box is sitting in. Everyone else is thinking too small. They're thinking inside constraints that have been put up by governments, special interests, Al Gore, people who want to make money off of this, and other interests. Get yourself away from that and lets come up with a solution together. The guy on the video is on the right track, but he's think two dimensional, like most people.

    As for baby bottles, It's after midnight and I've been cleaning carpets (trying to keep my business afloat) til 11pm today so I'm tired. I'll get to the baby bottles tomorrow :)

  8. Darren, I like what you are saying for the most part. What is your conviction regarding abortion??

  9. Abortion's such a sticky subject. It really sucks that it can make or break a person. I think both the parties made it that way to divide us. I'm going to be completely honest with you on this one. My answer may surprise you, it may not. Whatever happens, I hope you appreciate my honesty. But It's way too much to say as an answer in a blog post :) It deserves a new blog and right now I need to get back to work! I promise you, I'll have a blog entry for you tonight. Thanks for being patient with me.

  10. Another IndependentMay 7, 2010 at 10:32 AM

    Darren, you went from entertaining to scary very quickly. For someone who sees the constitution as such a strong guide for governance, your comment here is ludicrous.

    "1. I think state employees should be damn thankful they have a job and if I'm elected Governor and I hear a state employee bitch about having to sacrifice a little while so many other of their fellow Oregonians are suffering, barely able to survive, I'll fire that employee on the spot and give their job to someone who appreciates what has been so graciously given to them by every other hard working citizen of Oregon."

    You just said you would fire someone without cause for expressing their opinion. So much for that pesky freedom of speech thing.

    Much like your post indicating you would tell people to leave the union or fire them... another violation of your beloved constitution which includes (per the Supreme Court) the right of 'Freedom of Association'.

    You keep saying in many of these blog posts you aren't crazy, and you can beat a Democrat in the general... you really think someone who bases in large part their candidacy on their belief in and support of the constitution but then rambles on about the ways he would violate that very constitution and the rights of Oregonians is credible?

  11. "Entertaining"? Really? "Scary"? Seriously? haha!! See that? I laughed at you. You're cracking me up. I wish I knew if you were a man or woman so I could address you properly. I'm going to assume you're a man. For no particular reason so don't jump to conclusions.

    Hey man, you really should go post this kind of stuff someplace else. This isn't your typical political junk blog site. I'll humor you this time, but no more.

    1. The Constitution doesn't protect your right to a job. Mostly because you don't have the right to a job. You may have the right to free speech, but that doesn't mean you can go tell your employer to F*** Off and expect to keep your job by claiming your Constitutional right to speech. In fact, in the work place, you don't even have the right to say crap if your boss doesn't want you to.

    2. I'm guessing either you don't live in Oregon, You're new to the state, or you've never had a job here. Which is it? Because if none if these fit you should know that Oregon is an "At Will" state. Don't know what that means? Let me clue you in. It means your employer can fire you "at will" or "without cause" at anytime he damn well feels like it. He doesn't need to give you a reason, he doesn't need to make sure your feelings aren't hurt, he doesn't need to check with your mommy first.

    One more thing...I don't take kindly to your statement "your beloved constitution". The Constitution belongs to all of us and it should be beloved by every single American and it should be studied and understood by every single American who loves freedom.

  12. It's MY beloved Consitution too! And do you know why? Because it has MY rights written into it. Another Independent, you preach about knowing your rights, but if it's not YOUR beloved Consitution as well, how can you even claim those rights? Without the Consitution, you wouldn't be able to spout all of your ridiculous ideas all over the internet. I agree with Darren, the Constitution should be beloved by all Americans because without it we would not be all that we are today. We would not be free. If you don't love the Consitution, you shouldn't be able to claim all the rights that are written into it.
