Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Not pro-choice or pro-life. The question is “what is your take on abortion”. I’m personally against it. I wouldn’t want my wife or daughter to do it. Of course, this isn’t an absolute as I can’t even imagine every single possible circumstance that could occur.

I’m also very strongly against people trying to push their personal, moral, and religious beliefs on me. Consequently, I don’t want to push my personal, moral, and religious beliefs on others. So am I “pro-choice” or “pro-life”? Well, I’m pro-stay-the-hell-out-of-my-business-and-I’ll-stay-out-of-yours.

Abortion really is a personal matter. The decision is based on a number of different things and I think the state should not be a factor. I realize religion is very important to a lot of people and believe me, I respect that. But religious people have to respect the beliefs of those who don’t hold the same religious beliefs. It’s never right to force religious beliefs on another person. Do we want a Muslim to force their beliefs on Christians?

So I think the matter becomes, “when does abortion become murder?”. Because I would hope we can all agree that murder is wrong and against the law. My belief is that life occurs when a baby can survive outside of the mother with medical assistance. As far as I know, that’s third term.


  1. Another IndependentMay 7, 2010 at 9:48 AM

    You haven't actually clearly articulated your position. As a matter of law, what is your position? Is it 'abortion is legal prior to viability of the fetus outside the womb'? What about after that point? What about in cases of risk to the mother's health?

  2. I think the guy before me is missing the point.

  3. Yuri, You're right. "Another Independent" has posted other "comments/questions" on my blogs here. He/she doesn't sound like an "Independent" at all. I don't mind people asking questions but this guy is nit picking and straw manning like a democrat would do to a republican or vice versa. I don't play that game.

    So to Another Independent...go somewhere else and play.

  4. Plain and simple - YOUR ROCK. I started googling canidates to see who to vote fore - 3 people in I was getting discouraged... 2 pages in on your site - you have my vote - Please hold true to what you have posted when you get elected! Thanks Baker County

  5. Thank you so much for your support! I'm here for the long haul!

  6. I think the point was a valid one, what is your position when it comes to law?

  7. My apologies. I thought I was very clear on my position when it comes to law. I obey it and I expect EVERYONE else to obey it too. Murder is against the law. It's pretty simple. When it comes to which life do you save, the mother's or the child's, that's up to the people to decide, not the Governor. The people decide in the form of a law, and once again, I obey the law just like everyone else.

  8. I think that the most imprtant thing when it comes to abortion is whether or not the person getting one has a proper reason, such as a medical complication or possible mental issues. One thing I hate is idiot tennagers who just wander into abortion clinics just because they forgot to use a condom and foam on prom night. What I personally would like to see is a law that only allows abortion if a reason is given. Otherwise you could offer your kids for adoption; that in my opinion would be the better option.
