Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why I'm the Only Republican Who Can Beat The Democrat

Yesterday I had an interview with the editorial board at the Bend Bulletin. This is the process they go through to figure out who they’re going to endorse for the primary. They were very nice and I think the interview went well. My strategy for these interviews is to set myself apart as the only candidate who can beat a Democrat in the general election and become Governor. And of course make a strong point for the need for conservative leadership in Oregon.

“This guy can’t beat the Democratic candidate…He’s CRAZY!”… you may be thinking.

Well…Yes. I may be a little crazy. Or a lot. Or somewhere in between. Or maybe I just make a lot of sense and all of the career politicians and elite are crazy. Either way, here’s my reasoning.

First of all, we need conservative fiscal policy in Oregon if we’re to avoid becoming California. We don’t want to be handing out IOU’s instead of tax refunds. We don’t want to go bankrupt. We don’t want to raise taxes even more. We don’t want to ask the federal government for a bailout.

We need lower taxes for EVERYONE, jobs for EVERYONE, smaller government, less government spending, and zero government waste. Is anyone in their right mind against this? This is a conservative fiscal policy. Every Republican candidate is for this, including me.

It’s funny, the Democrats are even changing their tune to sound conservative in their fiscal policy. Good ole Teddy (our current Governor) came out and said after eight years of his leadership that we now “need smaller government”. John and Bill (Democrat candidates) are now mysteriously against Measures 66 & 67 for one reason or another.

Right now, Chris Dudley and Allen Alley are the front runners for the Republican nomination. They’re the only two candidates who are invited to all the major debates and forums and the only two who the major media outlets give any real attention to. Why? I’m not exactly sure. Their policies aren’t any different than Republican candidates policies from the past. It’s the same ole Republican crud that we’ve been hearing for the past 20 years. The same old losing crud. Actually, I am sure why they’re the front runners and get all the attention. Because they have all the money. It has nothing to do with what they have to say or their ideas for Oregon.

Oregonians don’t elect Republicans as Governor. Period. Every cycle we hear from the elite that “this is the year for the Republicans, we can win it this year!” then the Republicans get their asses handed to them by the Democrats in November. It’s going to be no different this year despite what you’re going to hear from the right wing establishment.

The bottom line is, for Republicans to win in Oregon, they need the Independent vote and they can’t get it spewing the same old Republican BS ie… Dudley, Alley.

So, Republicans…here’s your choice.

1) Choose Dudley or Alley as your nominee and get another Democrat as Governor.
2) Choose Darren Karr as your nominee and have a moderate Republican Governor with very conservative fiscal policy.

Now…why am I so confident I can win?

I’m an Independent and have been my whole life. I’ve never even seen a primary ballot. I don’t like either party and was pained to join the Republican party. I’ll bring the Independent vote to the Republican party in November. Not only because I’m an Independent, but also because I’m moderate like most Oregonians. Although I’m a Republican, I believe that if Oregonians want social programs, they should have them (this will take some explanation, don’t freak out on me. I’ll start another blog to explain and it’ll all make sense). I’m also not a politician or an “elite” and I don’t take money so I’m not in anyone’s back pocket. I represent only Oregonian’s, no one else. Is there ANY other candidate, Republican or Democratic who can say that?

My daughter and I came up with this saying and I love it…”You can buy a thousand smart men, but you can’t buy even one honest man.”

I built my life and my campaign on honesty and integrity. Not on a political party or money or a half baked promise. This is how I’ll build Oregon’s government.

So lets break down votes in Oregon. There are:

1) Democrats
2) Independents
3) Republicans

Democrats usually get the Independent votes because Independents don’t like lame Republican policies, so Democrats get elected Governor.

If I’m the Republican nominee, I’ll get the Republican vote because Republicans vote for the guy with the ( R ) next to his name and I have conservative fiscal policy. I’ll get the Independent vote because I’m an Independent, a moderate, not a politician or an elite, and I’m like most Oregonians. I’ll get some Democrat votes because I’m going to give them a raise and Democrats like more money (so does everyone else). On top of that, I’ll get the young vote because I’m only 40 years old as opposed to the Democrat who are both over 60 years old and I have cool new ideas.


  1. I like the 'honest man...' quote, and your strategy of getting young votes!

  2. As I begin exploring the possibility of moving to the state of Oregon, I've started researching leadership in your great state. I like your blog, but what are your qualifications to run the state? What experience do you have dealing with multiple issues and differing viewpoints? How are you going to implement your "cool new ideas" in a state that has deep-seated opinions on both sides of the aisle? Blogging is a great way to get information out. But how are you going to involve people in the process? How about some substance now to your ideas?

  3. My qualifications...I'm a citizen of the United States. I'm over 30 years old (40). I've lived in the state for over three years (30 years). I'm not a member of Congress or any other US office or State office.

    As far as the rest of your questions go, they're typical questions from someone who wants the typical politician to represent them. Sorry, that's not me. The typical politicians got us into the mess we're in now. They're the people who have all the qualifications and the experience you're looking for. What do I have? I'm honest, I have integrity, I can't be bought, I'm very smart, I'm super creative, I get along with just about everyone no matter what side of the aisle they are from, I have no political allegiance, no one bosses me around except the people who elect me.

    I do have some lame conventional experience from owning a small business and being in management for several years, I was a business analyst for a few years and in the Air Force for four years. I also own and manage rental property and a vacation rental property at the beach. My wife and I have a very impressive financial portfolio which I manage, we are debt free and ready for the world to go to crap.

    I'm no dumb ass. Yes, I'm sure I look like one on TV. I'll get past that...I'm new at this :)

    There are a number of ways to implement my "cool new ideas". It really depends on which ideas you're talking about. I would like to introduce legislation from my office which is something you don't see much from the Governor. I prefer not to use executive orders. I'm all for using the Bully Pulpit. I'm also looking forward to exploring all the options the Governor has available to him. I'm quite positive not even the illustrious Chris Dudley knows every single option available to the Governor.

    As far as dealing with both sides of the aisle, if I'm elected, the sides of the aisle should recognize that the people have spoken and they should listen. Remember, THE PEOPLE ARE IN CHARGE, not those on either side of the aisle. If those on either side of the aisle give us any trouble, I'll call on those who elected me to step up and do their jobs and reign in their representatives. This is how it's suppose to work. This is also the answer to your question, "how are you going to involve the people in the process?"

    Substance? I'm all substance. If you don't see substance in my website, what I have to say, or in my answer to you...please be more specific because I don't know what you're talking about.

    I may suck on TV but I'll be a kick ass Governor. Stop looking for the same ole, same ole. They'll continue to screw you. Yes, I have attitude. It's because I'm sick and tired of getting screwed. I'm down to earth and just one of you. I'll be there for you every single time.

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