Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Second Amendment

Let me make this very clear. I believe in the Constitution. All of it. If we follow the Constitution, our country will work it’s way out of this mess.

The federal government has very few things it’s charged with. One is to protect the rights that are enumerated within the Constitution. One of which is the right to bear arms. It’s pretty clear to me that this applies to the ENTIRE COUNTRY. Why each state has its own gun laws and the federal government doesn’t step in to do its constitutional job, I can only guess. But it doesn’t. Oh the fed will come tell us that we can’t buy health insurance across state lines or stick it’s nose in any number of things it has no business in, but when it comes to a right it’s actually legally suppose to protect, the federal government is no where to be seen.

I believe a concealed carry permit (or whatever its called in different states) is no different than a driver license or marriage license and is constitutionally recognized in every state, and Washington DC by the “Full Faith and Credit” Clause. Not to mention the Second Amendment.

People who have concealed carry permits are proven to be some of the most responsible members of our society. We need more of them around us, not less.

I’ve seen Oregon’s politicians and bureaucrats in the recent past bypass Oregon law and our constitutionally protected rights. These people have taken an oath to protect and defend our laws. As Governor I will remove them from office. “Well you can’t remove an elected politician from office!!” Doh!! Ya got me!! You’re soooo good! I’ll remove the bureaucrats and everyone I can from office. Those elected who break their oath I will use the Bully Pulpit to expose and YOU can remove them. Because WE ARE IN CHARGE AND WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it....I'm a huge second ammendment fan. Not because I think it's more important than any other ammendment to the constitution, but because it is constantly under attack, for what reasons I can only guess. And I have my guesses. But I agree that the part of the second ammendment where it says "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." is something that is overlooked completely when forming gun laws. The only law should be that you cannot posess a firearm legally if you have committed a crime with one. End of story.
