Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Victory? How is losing with only 1,113 votes victory?

Of course we went into this intending to win. To win the election, we needed a lucky break with the media toward the beginning of the campaign. Not surprisingly, the media wouldn’t step outside of their box.

But winning the election was only one way to win. We entered this looking at the larger picture. We wanted to launch a new message, a new kind of candidate, a new kind of campaign. Because old school politics and politicians have brought this country to it’s knees. We need something new, something real. Something that represents us rather than special interests and those with money.

Someone needed to step up. One of us. Not a rich businessman, or a politician, or some other elite who pretends to walk with us. ONE OF US. No one was doing it so I did. Not for me, because what I do will likely not affect me very much. But for my kids.

I understand…you might not agree with everything I say. You might think I’m a little goofy on TV compared to Chris Dudley. But as we move forward, remember this…I am one of us. I have no agenda other than your agenda. I answer to no party. I accept no money so I owe a debt to no one. I represent no one other than you. This is how every representative of the people should be, yet none of them are. We should expect more. For the sake of our country, let’s hope this catches on.

So here’s how we see victory.

Over the course of the campaign we had 2,001 unique visitors to the website. 1,363 were from Oregon. This was the only way for voters to get information on the candidacy as there was no statement in the voters pamphlet. Even the TV debate had very limited information.

We received 1,113 votes, more than 80% of the unique visitors from Oregon to the site. We were hoping for around 10%. This is a HUGE victory! It means people who went to the website liked the message enough to cast a vote for the underdog.

So we (my wonderful daughter Kasondra and myself) would like to thank each and every one of you who supported and voted for Darren Karr this primary year. We’re not done. This is just the beginning.


  1. Very Good Darren! This is a great start in the political arena and you are speaking up for change in the status quo. I admire you for giving it your all.

  2. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome, Darren!! Half the people that checked you out voted for you, I love it. I can't wait to see how many more you win over the next time you run for a political office. Goofy? Only in the most charming and debonair way possible. You've made everyone that believed in you throughout this campaign proud and have left us looking forward to whatever you endeavor next.

  3. That was a great blog post Darren! You continue to be open and honest and you really live what you "preach", and I love love love that you are doing this with your daughter!
    I will remember you represent no one other than me, us, the Oregonians that live, work, drive, ride and breathe in this wonderfull state, that is who I want, I don't want a stuffy so and so......I know you are not done, nor is your daughter......This is the begining.

  4. I honestly figured as much would happen. I hate to say it because I would love to believe I am wrong, but Oregonians for the most part are stupid liberals who will believe anything a democrat says whilst forgetting that our current predicament is thanks to corrupt politicians from both sides of the isle. Run next time dude, don't quit.

  5. Thanks guys! I'm just getting started. This was an awesome experience and a great way to get going. I'll be back in 2014 for sure.
